Development of Allergic Rhinitis with Calcitonin in Two Sisters with Osteoporosis: Case Report
Two sisters aged 52 and 67-years applied to our outpatient clinic with back and generalized pain complaints. After physical examination and some investigations, the diagnosis of osteoporosis was made in both patients, and calcitonin nasal sprays were given to both of the patients for treatment. After 2 or 3 months, rhinorrhoea, sneezing and nasal itching occurred in the patients. In the laboratory measurements, total IgE levels were found to be increased (38.4 and 42 kU/ml, respectively). Intradermal tests with calcitonin were performed and these tests were evaluated as positive in both patients. Allergic rhinitis due to calcitonin was diagnosed in two sisters. After discontinuation of nasal calcitonin, symptoms of rhinitis relieved.
Keywords : Calcitonin, allergic rhinitis