Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Smilar Issues: 113 Record Found
Effectiveness of Low Level Laser Therapy on Pain and Functional Status in Ankylosing Spondylitis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Correlation of Morning Stiffness and Acute Phase Reactants in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Arthritis at Advanced Age: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Differential Diagnosis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound in the Rehabilitation of Post-Stroke Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor HLA-DRB1 Alleles Distribution in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in A Tertiary Center in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Microscopic Polyangiitis Histopathologically Confirmed By Lung Biopsy and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Femoral Anteversion in Cerebral Palsy Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Melatonin Serum Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor A Case of Tibialis Anterior Muscle Herniation Diagnosed by Ultrasonography Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction in Females With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor A rare cause of non-discogenic sciatica; musculus gemellus inferior: A case report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ultrasonographic assessment of neuromuscular electrical stimulation efficacy on glenohumeral subluxation in patients with hemiplegia: a randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Activities of Cholinesterases, Adenosine Deaminase and Myeloperoxidase in Patients With Familial Mediterrenean Fever Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Relationship Between Serum Levels of Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and Disease Activity in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Etiopathogenesis of Osteoporosis in Rheumatic Diseases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Cerebral Vasculitis in Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Cerebral Vasculitis in Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Investigation of the Correlation Between ADMA Levels and Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block Due to Chloroquine Treatment Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Effects of Rheumatoid Factor, Functional Status and Disease Activity on Bone Loss in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Split Cord Malformation: A Report of Two Cases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor MRG Incelemesinde Metastazları Taklit Eden Bir Osteopoikiloz Olgusu Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Assessment of Serum Sialic Acid and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Receiving Anti-TNF-a and Conventional Therapies Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Significance of Ultrasonography in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Comparison with Electrodiagnostic Tests Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated with Bilateral Sacroileitis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ototoxicity Due to Antimalarial Therapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Two Case Reports Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spine Involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Hand and Rehabilitatio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Arthritis and Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Low Dose Methotrexate Associated Pancytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Symphisis Pubis Stress Fracture: Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Atlantoaxial Subluxation in Three Cases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of the Efficacy of Conservative Therapies with Clinical Parameters and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lumbar Disc Herniations Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Ratio of Second-Line Drug Usage Time to Disease Duration and Reasons for Drug Cessation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on the Levels of Interleukin-1b, Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Uzun Süreli Romatoid Artriti Olan Hastalarda Osteoporoz Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğunun Değerlendirilmesinde Kantitatif Ultrasonografi ve Dual Enerji X-ışını Absorbsiyometrinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ayakta Ganglion: Olgu Sunumu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Lomber Spinal Stenoz: Klinik ve Radyolojik Özellikler Arasındaki İlişki Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit ve Osteoartrit Hastalarında Laboratuvar Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Relation of Serum Levels of Muscle Enzymes with Clinical Findings in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Sinovyal Kondromatozis: Olgu Sunumu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Vertigosu Olan ve Olmayan Olgularda Servikal Dejeneratif Değişikliklerin Vertebral Arter Kan Akımı Üzerine Etkileri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Ayakta Görülen Deformiteler ve Pedobarografik Değerlendirme Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritte Akciğer Değişikliklerinin Yüksek Rezolüsyonlu Bilgisayarlı Tomografi ile Değerlendirilmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Gebelik Sırasında Gelişen Lomber Disk Hernisinde Cerrahi Tedavinin Önemi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Atlanto-Aksiel Subluksasyon Sıklığı Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Sistemik Tedavinin İdrar Glikosaminoglikan Atılımına Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Evaluation of Radiographic Damage by 4 Different Methods in Hand X-Rays and the Correlation of Radiologic Changes with Clinical and Laboratory Abnormalities in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Vertigoda Servikal Spondilartroz ve Vertebral Arter Kan Akımı Volümü İlişkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Kardiak Mortaliteden Sorumlu Faktör Serum Lipid Profilindeki Değişimler midir? Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit ve Ankilozan SpondilitliErkek Hastalarda GonadalSeks Hormonları Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid El Fonksiyonel Yetersizlik Göstergesinin Klinik Değişime Duyarlılığı Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit Tedavisinde Metotreksat'ın Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor HFI’nın (Hand Functional Index) Romatoid Elde Geçerliliğinin Araştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Subakromial Sıkışma Sendromunda Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritte Ayak Deformiteleri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Prevalence of “MEFV” Gene Mutations in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Inhabiting the Van Province and Surroundings Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Successful Treatment with Etanercept of Rheumatoid Arthritis Occurring in a Patient with Familial Mediterranean Fever Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Plasma Osteopontin Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Relation with Disease Activity Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Radiological Assessment of the Shoulder Regio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Performance of Clinical Tests in Patients with Shoulder Pai Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Pelvic Digit Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Exercises in Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Vocal Cord Paralysis and Dysphagia Caused by Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): Clinical and Radiographic Findings Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Frequency of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Effects on Quality of Life in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison between Depression Levels of Women with Knee Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The role of quantitative computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis: A review Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Impaired Balance and Fall Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Impaired Balance and Fall Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The efficacy of different bandaging methods in patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema: A prospective, randomized study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effects of closed kinetic chain exercise on articular cartilage morphology: myth or reality? a randomized controlled clinical trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Side differences of the lateral abdominal wall in supine rest position mild adolescent idiopathic thoracolumbar scoliosis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of aquatic exercise on spasticity, quality of life and motor function in cerebral palsy Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Serum magnesium level is not associated with inflammation patients with knee osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of isokinetic, isometric, and aerobic exercises on clinical variables and knee cartilage volume using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Focal myositis: a rare case report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Inflammatory arthritis complicated by inflammatory bowel disease: two case reports Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The association of patellar maltracking with infrapatellar fat pad edema and chondromalacia patella: A quantitative morphological magnetic resonance imaging analysis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnosing fibromyalgia in rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of assessing disease activity Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The incidence and most common levels of thoracic degenerative disc pathologies Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Falls, fear of falling, and associated factors in ambulatory patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A comparative study with healthy controls Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of effects of low-level laser therapy and extracorporeal shock wave therapy in plantar fasciitis treatment: A randomized, prospective, single-blind clinical study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Estimating the most accurate sonographic measurement in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: Which is the best? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor What are the risk factors of poor medication adherence in the target-to-treat era? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The improvement in aerobic capacity, disease activity, and function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis following cardiac rehabilitation program: A single-center, controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spinal dural arteriovenous fistula: A rare cause of progressive myelopathy and bladder and bowel dysfunction Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Undifferentiated connective tissue disease presenting with optic neuritis and concomitant axial spondyloarthritis: A rare case report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Assessment of the frequency of tarsal tunnel syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is it possible to develop a new measurement tool to assess the functional status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of ultrasound-assisted botulinum neurotoxin-A injection in patients with bruxism and masseter hypertrophy Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor A quantitative assessment of the risk of falls in rheumatoid arthritis patients and determination of the risk factors Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ultrasonographic evaluation of femoral cartilage thickness in patients with familial Mediterranean fever Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of task-oriented training on pain, functionality, and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the management of complex regional pain syndrome type 1: A randomized-controlled trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of activation of thoracolumbar fascia on the thickness of abdominal muscles: An ultrasonographic study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The critical role of computed tomography in the differential diagnosis of acute calcific tendinitis of longus colli muscle: A case report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ultrasound-guided lateral branch radiofrequency ablation for sacroiliac joint pain Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Magnetic resonance imaging/ultrasound fusion-guided sacroiliac joint corticosteroid injection in patients with axial spondyloarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor An unusual cause of posterior interosseous nerve palsy and contribution of ultrasonography to electromyography in a patient with neurofibroma Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Central sensitization in osteoarthritic knee pain: A cross-sectional study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship of multifidus and gastrocnemius muscle thickness with postural stability in patients with ankylosing spondylitis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Does hot pack application change the morphology of the median and ulnar nerves? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is there a paradoxical side effect? Is it a case of inefficiency? Peripheral ulcerative keratitis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis in remission treated with tocilizumab Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is it possible to objectively determine morning stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of trunk stabilization exercises on balance, functionality and abdominal muscle thickness in hemiplegic patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Clinical and ultrasonographic enthesitis assessment before and after anti-tumor necrosis factor treatment in patients with spondyloarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Clinical effect of acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis and its effect on p38 MAPK signaling pathway Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of Rocabado exercises in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission with temporomandibular joint involvement: A randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor